Using This Site

Getting The Most Out Of This Site

There are two major aspects of this site: Catalogue searching and catalogue entry. While anyone can search the catalogue, only registered users can enter new objects into the database.

Searching the Catalog

For the most part, it is easy to search for specific objects or simply to browse the catalogue. You can search by keyword, by object type, by collection or by an advanced search.

Keyword Search: The most basic type of search. Simply enter a key word and the catalogue will give you all objects with that key word either in the name, the description, or in other attributes.

Object Type Search: This search will allow you to see all objects of a specific type. For more on object types, please Click Here

By Collection Search: This search will show you all objects in a specific collection.
Please Note: collections in this context refers to groups of objects obtained from a particular source, such as from a donation. The largest is the original LIU collection, which includes objects collected as early as 1889

Advanced Search: The most basic type of search. Simply enter a key word and the catalogue will give you all objects with that key word either in the name, the description, or in other attributes.

Predefined Search: This allows users to use predefined and frequently used searches without having to deal with the Advanced Search (which can be very complex). This is a great way to get started searching the catalogue without much effort!

Single Object Search: This allows users to find a specific object if they know which collection the object belongs to and its object number. This is useful when more information is needed but only basic information is known

Click Here For Information On All Catalog Search Methods

Saving Search Results

Once you search the catalog, if you would like to save out the results, simply click on the "Want to save these results? Click Here" button at the top of the results page. The results are automatically saves in several formats for you to download.

Currently the site can save results in the following formats:

HTML: The results are formatted much the same way they are formated on the results page, but all content (including images) is saved to a single HTML file that can be viewed offline.

PDF: The basic information for each object found is saved to a basic PDF. Each object entry in this PDF contains links to the More Inforamtion page online.

CSV: All of the basic information for each found object is saved in a Comma Separated Values file, which can be easily imported into programs like Excel or SPSS for data analysis and for a myriad of other uses.

TXT: Similar to PDF only without any formatting.

XML: All of the basic information for each found object is saved in an XML document, which is the defacto standard for data exchange on the internet and many other uses. It is highly structured, so data can be easily navigated within applications.

JSON: Exactly like the XML file, only the data is stored in the other widely used exchange format - JSON.

YAML: Another data interchange format which uses intentation to define structure. Not as commonly used as JSON or XML.

Catalog Entry

If you would like to help enter information into the catalog, you can register as a collection manager. After you register, a curator will contact you and assign you to a collection

Register as a Collection Manager Here

As a collection manager, you will be able to add objects for a specific collection. To add an object, first determine what type of object you need to add. Then, click on an add object link on your dashboard to go to the add object form. This form will permit you to add an object of the specified type. Once you fill out the form, the object will be in the catalogue.

Click Here For More Information On Object Types

Once an object is in the catalogue, you will be able to find it in the Your Objects table on your dashboard. Here you can edit any object you entered by clicking on the Edit link next to an object. Additionally, you can relate one object to another by clicking on the Add Relation link in the same table. To add an additional image of the object, click on the Add Image link on the same table

If you ever have questions regarding adding or editing objects, either contact your curator (your curator's contact information will appear on your dashboard) or you can contact support.

Click Here To Contact Support